Shiurim for Nisan Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. Pesach and Sefiras HaOmer shiurim, too!
Audio Shiurim for Adar
Shiurim for Adar Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. Purim shiurim, too!
BKLA - Beis Knesses Los Angeles
Not Just a Shul
R Shoff on Chumash – weekly sheet – parshas bereshis 23-24
Shiurim for Av & Elul Parshas, Sefer Devarim, from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. Tisha B’Av and Tu B’Av, too!
Shiurim for Shvat Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. A Tu b’Shvat shiur, too!
Shiurim for Teves Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library.
Sunday, December 13, 11:30am-1:30pm at the Shoff’s!