Shiurim for Nisan Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. Pesach and Sefiras HaOmer shiurim, too!
Audio Shiurim for Adar
Shiurim for Adar Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. Purim shiurim, too!
Audio Shiurim for Shvat
Shiurim for Shvat Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library. A Tu b’Shvat shiur, too!
Audio Shiurim for Teves
Shiurim for Teves Parshas from Rabbi Shoff’s Soundcloud library.
The Extending Arm: Moshe and Pharaoh’s Daughter – Agados 1
Aggados about the story of Pharaoh’s daughter.
Paradise: Pekudei — Special Oxygen
These are the accountings of the Mishkan, Mishkan of testimony… — Shemos 38:21
Paradise: Vayakhel — Crowns, Forgetfulness and Shabbos
And Moshe gathered all the adas of the Jewish people, and he told them, “These are the things that Hashem has commanded you to do: For six days, your work shall be done, and the seventh shall be holy, a Shabbos of rest, for Hashem; he who does labor on it will die.” — Shemos 35:1–2
Paradise: Ki Tisa — Women’s Lib
Aaron said to them, “Remove the rings of gold that are in the ears of your wives…” The entire people removed the gold rings that were in their ears and brought them to Aaron. — Shemos 32:3–4
Paradise: Tetzaveh — Oils, Incense and Satan
Aaron should offer the Ketores incense in the morning; when he arranges the candles should he offer it. When Aaron lights the candles in the evening, he should offer the Ketores continually before Hashem. — Shemos 30:7–8
Paradise: Terumah — Men and Angels
Let them make Me a Mishkan — Shemos 25:8