And you saw their abominations and their vulgarities – the wood, stone, silver and gold [idols] that they keep with them. — Dvarim 29:16
Paradise: Ki Savo — How to Look just like God
All of the nations of the land will see that the name of God is called upon you and will fear you. — Dvarim 28:10
Paradise: Ki Seitsei — Mystics, Rationalists and Fringes on Clothes
You shall make yourself twisted threads on the four corners of your garment with which you cover yourself. — Dvarim 22:12
Paradise: Shoftim – Kings, Women and Candles
When he sits on his royal throne, he should write a copy of this Torah…and it should be with him; he will read it all the days of his life… — Dvarim 17:18–19
Paradise: Reeh – Baseball and Koheles
The Sukkos holiday you shall make for seven days…and you shall rejoice on your holiday. — Dvarim 16:13–14
Paradise: Ekev – When You are Nearby to Moshe
And now, Israel, what does G-d really ask of you anyway – simply to fear him… — Dvarim 10:12
Paradise: Maasei – Hearing voices and hitting home runs
“These are the travels of the Jewish people.” – Bamidbar 33:1
Paradise: Matos – Another Woman
“And the Children of Gad and Reuven came and said to Moshe and Elazar the Kohen and the leaders of the congregation…‘Give us that land, force us not to cross the Jordan.’” — Bamidbar 32:2, 5
Paradise: Pinchas – Peace and Priests
“Pinchas the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the Kohen, withdrew My anger from upon the children of Israel when he acted zealously for Me with them, so I did not destroy the children of Israel in zealotry. Therefore, tell him that I hereby give him My covenant of peace.” — Bamidbar 25:22–12
Paradise: Balak – This Opposite That
And Hashem came to Bilaam… Bamidbar 22:9